Person reviewing resume

Career Services

Career Services provides career assessments, resume’ building, interviewing skills, job search assistance, and internet etiquette to all current students and alumni.


Students are encouraged to make an appointment with the Career Counselor prior.  What to expect at your appointment:

  • Career counseling offers a chance for you to find out about yourself. If you’re not sure what type of job you’d like and be good at, schedule to take an inventory to get some insights.
  • Come prepared to discuss your current major/career status.
  • Be prepared to discuss your interests and goals for the future.
  • There are brochures, pamphlets, and handouts that you may use for future guidance.
  • Remember, the career counselor will NOT tell you what job/major is best for you, but will give you more information to help you decide on your own.


Don’t have a resume? Our Career Counselor will assist you with updating and creating a resume, as well as a cover letter.


Students should come prepared with a resume and/or cover letter and be prepared to discuss short and long term goals. The career counselor will go over key components to a successful job search and provide specific tools, tips, and resources for student success.


There are a few services that the Career Counselor can provide for you:

  • Guest Lecture:  Interview Skills, Resume Tips, Internet Etiquette and more.
  • Career Assignment Support: Assists with mock interviews and resume critiques as part of a classroom grade

To request either of these services, please contact the person listed above.